Number plate capture is a fast growing industry sector, to offer our customers a system which can capture vehicle number plates clearly, reliably and under virtually any conditions, areas like traffic management, access control, and parking and vehicle surveillance. Our Supplier have drawn on their expertise in the field of Infra-Red illumination, combining the latest camera, filter, lens and optics to produce a complete integrated solution for reliable number plate capture – day and night.

GeoVision ‘s License Plate Recognition is an effective and low-maintenance solution to ensure the security of parking lots, which are prone to crimes due to isolated and unstaffed corners. In addition to providing high-resolution video monitoring and recording, the LPR solution detects and recognizes vehicle license plates upon motion or I/O trigger.A GV-DSP LPR or a GV-DVR LPR recognizes license plates detected in the video source, and sends the LPR results to GV-AS Manager. Access can be granted when the detected license plate numbers match the vehicle registered in GV-AS Manager’s database. Alarm notifications and playing back LPR results are also supported.