We represent world leading suppliers of outdoor perimeter intrusion detection sensors and systems. We specialize in providing early warning of intrusions into secure areas, reducing the risk of theft, vandalism, harm, sabotage, kidnapping and escape. We offer the broadest choice of intrusion detection technology, with the most innovative and cost-effective product range available.

The Four Main Types Of Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems

  • Barrier-Mounted – Fence Intrusion Detection System
    PIDS deployed on or in conjunction with a fence or other physical barrier (e.g. DAS cable or other motion sensors mounted on a fence).
  • Ground-based or Below-ground
    PIDS deployed below ground (again a DAS cable can be used or pressure sensitive cable or electromagnetic field). These do not require a physical barrier.
  • Free standing
    PIDS deployed above ground that do not need to be installed on or in conjunction with a physical barrier (e.g. bistatic microwave link).
  • Rapidly Deployable
    PIDS that are designed for temporary deployment; for example, to protect a mobile asset. Typically this would cover military applications and again DAS sensing technology has been very successfully deployed in these environments.

PIDS deployed on or in conjunction with a fence or other physical barrier (e.g. DAS cable or other motion sensors mounted on a fence).